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ManuelPardo's Content

There have been 7 items by ManuelPardo (Search limited from Jul 08, 2023)

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#44403673 [WTB] 2-4TB HDD for PS4 [EU]

Posted by ManuelPardo on 15 November 2023 - 11:55 AM in Buyers

I've sent you a dm my friend

#44390332 FOOD BURNERS:- 5GB of Recipes Collection -100000 | By Quinzel ♥

Posted by ManuelPardo on 13 November 2023 - 08:19 PM in Cooking

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Show Respect to COntent and enjoy tasty food
xd ?

Can confirm that the link is still working after 3 years! Almost 5gb worth of good books both in pdf and epub. Thank you man, much appreciated.

#44390289 How do I damage my own laptop, while still being fixable by only me

Posted by ManuelPardo on 13 November 2023 - 08:12 PM in Personal Life

I'm petty as fuck, and I'm currently in a situation where I have no choice but to return this laptop back, little backstory is its been given to me by my aunt who recently passed away (last month), and now my cousins or her son needs or probably want the laptop back. I cant refuse for a bunch of reasons, they gave this laptop to me since its been damaged, constant BSOD but I fixed it by watching a simple YT vid. This laptop is probably my only chance to pursue my CS college course since we currently don't have any home PC, except for the pc in my moms school office. But probably my only last choice to get it back, is to pretend like its broken. Since I'm pretty sure they have a lot of options, they just want this back for a reason.

Simply tamper with the disk slot on your laptop. Remove the disk and the pc will simply not boot into Windows, showing a black sceen informing the user that he is waiting for a bootable media to be inserted.
Have good care of the disk tho, it will have your os, program and documents.
It is worth to mention that if the laptop is not recent then hardware slots may be easily accessible.
A wise move to make it all look more legit would be to buy a broken 2.5" internal hdd and swap it with yours. That said, remember that you will never fool an expert.
Also, the method i've provided to you would be useful in the event of not getting the laptop back. If the pc is running Windows 10 you can just hop the disk on other hardware and you'll be almost good to go.


Posted by ManuelPardo on 06 November 2023 - 02:11 PM in Cooking

I hope this link isnt broken like the last one..


Got it straight from, i highly doubt it will ever expire. But if that happens kindly let me know, i have a local copy that i can upload somewhere.


Posted by ManuelPardo on 25 October 2023 - 03:45 PM in Refunding Services

uaa ma si napulitan fratm? Also a cool bump (:

#44019984 i want help police tracking me

Posted by ManuelPardo on 02 October 2023 - 01:03 PM in The Lounge

"Damn, those edibles ain't shi-"

*20 minutes later:

 Hi Nulled  Admins and moderators 


police tracking me via comments and posts  tether transactions


so please delete my post and threads


hide or delete usernames only  i dont want delete account no account


and delete my ip logs


so please help me


i will plan breach biggest data soon


Posted by ManuelPardo on 20 September 2023 - 03:32 PM in Cooking

I am a simple, humble, human being.
That's why my meals are utterly fucking disgusting.
I am also too braindead to make full use of this guide. Hope it may help you tho.


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(Let me know if i have posted this in the wrong section)

(Also let me know if you managed to cook some delicacies with the guide)  


See ya :)