Program setting:
Process of work of the program:
This program replaces other people's BTC, ETH wallets with yours. Many people sell such programs for $25, $50, but we give it to you for free!
- Software shutdown protection
- If you run task manager, processhacker, the software will go to sleep
- Fast work
- .Net dependence
Detect without crypt(4/26ni
Any malware is created for this and arguing with it makes no sense. Everyone on the conscience has his use. I made it strictly for educational purposes. There 's no point in forcing me to delete this topic. The same statement can be made about people who work with bases, brutes, checkers(the child earned a little money, bought a netflix subscription, and it was stolen. How so?) I have no right to judge anyone and force them to end up with it. The point is, to be attentive, you can avoid all this. But if you get caught on Stealer, you won 't do anything already or if your account is hacked with a brutes or a checker.
I see no point in continuing this discussion.
nice share
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