Hello, first of all sorry for my bad English
I have some questions
which is the difference Configs:
1: SiteURL=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/
which is the difference Configs or which it is best for the config??
Sentry MBA Takes ages to check combos!
check yesterday 50 per second, now only 1 or 2 per second..
Hits, combos, fakes, etc?
The best proxies / scraper Proxies - for sentry mba in his personal opinion??
I've been using sql dumper, have 50k dorks, but none like the one I want
have 200 injections, but nobody registered sites .. xD
I am seeking any dork that is related to netflix / lol
example: games.php,movies , etc
Edited by Rexxar, 15 May 2015 - 06:55 PM.