Gambling. Hobby or addiction?
Posted 25 March 2021 - 09:57 AM
Posted 27 March 2021 - 08:54 AM
Edited by Letswork, 27 March 2021 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 23 April 2021 - 01:44 PM
Posted 24 April 2021 - 04:14 PM
Many fans of gambling have switched to online mode. I also gamble online, I really like it. Today online casinos are available in a wide range. The main thing is to choose a good, reliable casino, will help you with this. A casino review will allow you to choose the most suitable platform for entertainment and earning money on your favorite machines.
Posted 27 April 2021 - 10:50 AM
Howdy individuals, I need to reveal to you today about basic things for a stunning term. You ought to dependably play with your time. Similarly, for this, playing free slot machines at the casino will assist you with eliminating up and gain cash. There are a tremendous measure of cool complaints, in any case there is one where you can get cool prizes
Posted 10 July 2021 - 08:06 AM
Posted 10 July 2021 - 08:54 PM
Posted 03 August 2021 - 09:10 AM
great hobby until you're addicted.
Smoked meth every day from age 15 to 30, fully high-functioning success story: graduated high school with honors, college degree, successful business owner, home owner (like fully owned), new car, old car, two-wheeled car, two-wheeled toys, 4-wheeled toys, no-wheeled toys (aka drones), high end whatever I wanted, no cigarettes or alcohol or any desire to, no boss, tons of free time and plenty of energy, box of money in a safe, abundance of wealth allowing me to give generously when the opportunity arose, upstanding member of the community, lots of girth on my penis, all the amenities. No interest in casinos or gambling, I could go in a casino with my chick and spend $40 and walk out and then go do something that seemed more fun like a museum or aquarium, or a movie & restaurant. Then one fateful night during a vacation at age 30 I ended up going along with my girl and her bro-in-law to a casino local to his area just for something to do, walked in with a few hundred dollars, pocket change to me, and damned if I didn't start hitting jackpots left and right and left again, every machine I touched I hit at least a few hundred dollars , sometimes double or triple that. Hours later I'm being dragged out of there by an angry girlfriend, who's idea to come was hers in the first place, my pockets stuffed full if cash, literally put a 20 in a alot walking out the door and hit another 500. I had plenty in my life already so it wasn't like a sudden windfall that I'd never had but something about that night rewired my brain and started a change in me that has robbed me of hundreds of thousands of dollars of wealth and made me feel like the sickest, weakest crackhead on skid row so many times after a long meth-fuelled gambling binge starting with several hundred or multiple thousands of dollars in my pocket and ending miserably and ashamedly with absolutely nothing to show for it , over, and over, and over....and over......and over again. And over again and again, and iver again. And again. And some more. Just watch yourself because you never know what unknown addictions you could be harboring half your life and never knowing nothing about. By the way, despite my near-crippling addiction that would send to their graves and tear apart lives and families and all that jazz, I'm still fuckin awesome and doing quite well comparatively within my demographic. I've been told more than once that I have very nice balls. I think we can finish strong on that note. Awesome loggin lake em kiddos.
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