PM me if anyone is looking for my discord!
Posted 12 January 2022 - 07:28 PM
Hi! Bought this ebook today and from the reviews I've heard it takes time to set up, that's why im getting started right now.
Many of the people who reviewed it said that the bonus was so worth it i didn't believe.
You don't know my reaction when i saw that i needed to get in order to get started. I was devastated. Another scam. BUT NO! Without the bonus i would've done nothing.
So far, eventhough i didnt believe the reviews, i'm liking it. the reviews where right so far.
Posted 15 January 2022 - 07:28 PM
To start with, I would like to point out that this is my first purchased ebook ever on this site. I have been reading it for the past hour and a half and I have to say I'm really impressed, the book looks professionally made and It's really noob/friendly,
It goes straight forward into business without too much bla-bla and every step is really clear and easy to understand, It also includes reference images to follow so it's a big plus.
Yes, you need some investment but with just 20 bucks you could make REALLY GOOD profits from it, perfectly fair from my perspective.
Also, the method is unsaturated and It doesn't seem like it will be soon either, so you can trust it 100%!
The bonus it's what had me amazed, it really adds a HUGE value to the method and I deeply appreciate what the OP did for this, trust me, you will be fascinated.
I'll be updating this review as I progress and I'm really excited for what is yet to come.
11/10 buy so far, really satisfied with it .
"Mess with the best, die like the rest"
Posted 16 January 2022 - 07:13 AM
I bought the ebook and have to say it gave me a whole new view on ewhoring. I have never heard of such a method before and it sounds very promising.
The ebook is written in great detail and doesn't really leave any questions unanswered. I'm looking forward to getting started and will be happy to post another review later.
10/10 especially for this price.
Posted 02 February 2022 - 09:14 PM
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