Updated: 13/10/2020
This is my first release, so hope you enjoy it guys ! and big thank's for VRX who helped me with Auth key
Malwarebytes is one of the best antivirus !
- This tool auto generate valid keys and check them instantly.
- Capture: Product Name: | Expire on: | Max Devices: | Used Devices: | Auto renew:
- Proxy: Paid Rotating or Datacenter proxy or are recommended.
- Threads (bots): 250
- Support Proxy with Auth (format): User:Pass@IP:Port
- Working keys (Hits) are saved on the same folder.
- Keys that exceeded the maximum devices goes to Custom
- Expired or blacklisted keys goes to banned
Outdated, rip.
If you need only few keys, you should run it for a day with Free proxy.
For reselling propose you need paid rotating or Datacenter proxy.
Update Logs: (outdated, not updating the tools anymore.)
- Fixed some errors - Optimized for more speed
- Fixed: Keygen server error - Auto generate valid keys locally
- Added full capture
- Fixed false Hits. - Expired or banned keys goes to: banned
- fixed Hits issue. - no capture (for now) but most keys are lifetime - support proxy with auth[/spoiler]
[warning]Leechers are retarded people that don't contribute to the community and only respond to messages with LQ content like "ty". Please don't be like that and contribute !
I'll take JOY and PLEASURE in reporting each one ! [/warning]