Username: 1696626-chrisgrocery
Profile Link: https://www.nulled.t...26-chrisgrocery
Short Description Of Product/Service: Walmart grocery order
Thread of sales: https://www.nulled.t...grocerys-house/
Screenshots of conversation: (Whole conversation not posted, only some screenshots because he constantly cleared the chat)
Amount scammed: $131
Proof of payment (IMPORTANT, PLEASE POST):
Additional Information: I paid him to set up a Walmart grocery order for me. When I got there, the worker said that the order placed was fraudulent and I could pay inside the store if I wanted my groceries, but I said no so the worker cancelled the order and I told chrisgrocery this. He could tell that the worker cancelled the order because it says so on the website. I left there empty-handed so he tried to set up another order for me to pick up, but that failed too so he told me that he would give me a refund. I kept asking when he was going to send the refund but he just kept on giving excuses to avoid doing so, and a month later, he banned me from his group so I asked again and he cleared the chat history. I contacted an admin in his group but nothing was done. I asked if he was going to give me the refund or clear the chat, and he called me a scammer saying that I was a liar and that I picked up the groceries, then he proceeded to block me. He even acknowledged that I did not pick up the groceries and that the worker did cancel the order, as can be seen on the Walmart website, but he falsely threw that excuse at me. I could not screenshot him calling me a scammer or any other excuses because right after sending messages and seeing me read it, he would clear the chat.