Hello Nulled, today I'm presenting my first selling thread here
I want to offer u my new shop where I'll be selling Twitch Prime Subs at a cheap price.
Price for my subs are 0.4$, u can sub to your own Twitch Affiliated Account and get 2.5$ payout (+x6 your investment)
Payment methods accepted are BTC and PayPal F&F (PM on Discord if u want PayPal)
If u are looking for an easy way to start getting money this is your thread, just give it a try!
AUTOBUY LINK: https://shoppy.gg/product/Or2I9ho
If u need any type of support contact me on Discord: Stonks#7682
Note: I'm NOT responsable if someone gets banned, you need to make it look legit and dont abuse!
Note 2: There was an error on my current stock and some of the accs may not have prime, please just contact me and I'll provide a replacement ASAP!!