I'm sick of this guy he's telling me to wait I'm done of waiting, so first I bought from him an euw (HITLIST) Included 150k+ hits
I Paid him the money, and he gave me the list I checked the list and there was only 400 hits 300 from them no sums not even 1 RP
he promised that the hits are untouched and RP included!
Then I asked if the list is the right one, and he said yes, but then he saw it is not because I didn't get the 150k hits
Then he said last time he checked it he got 100k+ hits, and I was the one who is wrong, then he told me to duplicate the list and remove the capital from all the account did that and got 0 HITS Then he said I didn't follow his shit, but I did, and again I was the stupid one
then he saw I did it right, and he was confused, so he gave me another list
that list included email pass combos so actually impossible that are lol combos, and he gave me another and that thing repeated like 6 times and at the last attempt he said that we both are right and that EU accounts got changed, so there are no EU hits ATM then at the last try he gave me an NA HITLIST which should include RP someone checked it for me, and what did I get got? Right nothing
Then finally I was so mad that I wanted a refund he agreed and normally a refund takes like 1 min or something and if you have a problem, or you can't do it ATM you say that, and I would understand that, but he just said yes ok and gone offline for like 5h then I was very mad and scared, so I told him that I will report him
and that's why I wrote this report
I just want my fucking money back that's all I want
His discord:Taha2ne1
If anyone knows a admin or a supporter who can help me with my problem please tag them or let me know who that is, because im new on nulled!
Edited by Sonofagoku, 15 February 2021 - 09:36 PM.