The site contains multiple source codes including
Quartz-Sniper: Our open source project, Quartz-Sniper, is a Discord nitro sniper designed to snipe Nitros at an average speed.
Quartz Auth: Quartz auth is an open source authentication and obfuscation tool for your software. Multiple builds.
Quartz-X: An unreleased account checking tool, a bit old from the developers compromised gitlab.
Zertlib: This used to be Zertex's (Ex domain owner) own personal library
The database dump includes:
users.csv: A complete dump of the XDumpGO users, with IDs, emails and usernames.
users-2.csv: This is another dump of users.csv, however with more data than the other one. This dump includes everything from users.csv plus HWIDs and hashed passwords.
logs.csv: All the authentication logs including IPs, username IDs and the type of authentication (failure or success) and the date of the event.
tokens.csv: All tokens on XDumpGO for all subscriptions. Includes the ID, the token, the expiry and the used status (has the token been claimed).