
Posted 22 June 2021 - 02:53 PM
!!! IMPORTANT !!! I've noticed riot already has taken notice of this project and they have implemented a few signatures for detecting this. Don't use this as it is, if you know what you are doing you will have a clue what to modify to avoid detection. Also careful if you want to copy paste code from here to an internal it seems riot has taken an extra step in making some code signatures.
This is a platform I started almost 2 months ago. It started as a simple spell tracker and evolved into a scripting platform.
I'm quitting league both because I don't enjoy the game anymore (I enjoyed more making cheats for the game lol) and because I need to get my shit together irl.
The platform is external using ReadProcessMemory and it uses python based scripting
Some points regarding this project:
Each script receives the game state (champions, minions, turrets etc) at each iteration and some interfaces one for ui and one for game related stuff like world2screen functions.
UIs are made using imgui
Overlays are made by drawing primitives from imgui (circles, rects, lines etc)
Supports drawing on the minimap too using world_to_minimap(position) function
There is also an implementation for a circle in world space
You can also draw images
Some unit/spell data is unpacked from the game directly (taken from communitydragon). This is made for performance reasons, also some of that data cannot be loaded from memory. This data can be updated with the scripts from UtilityScripts
The engine reads mobs, champions, turrets, missiles and other named objects like shaco boxes. It also reads champion spells, champion items.
Performance is high. On my machine the only bottle neck is the memory reading which can take 3ms in worst cases, gameplay scripts take below 1ms. There is a Benchmarking tab in the UI to check this.
Some already implemented scripts:
Orbwalker: also used for last hitting
Drawings: draws basic atk range, turret range and missiles
Auto Spells: casts automatically spells
Champ tracker: tracks a champion around the map
Map Awareness: alerts you when champions get close, shows where champions were last seen etc
Object Viewer: this is for dev purposes, you can browse objects ingame with this
Spell tracker: tracks spells and cooldowns
Vision tracker: tracks traps, wards and clones
TwistedFate Card Picker: picks cards for twisted fate
Auto Smite: auto smites hovered object
Hope you enjoy this source, I'll try to update the offsets/spell and unit data when a new patch comes in. You can also make a pull request to update them yourself.
Don't spam how to compile, there is a tutorial on the github page.
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