Hello, first of all I'd like to thank the following people for joining me on the first ever Nulledflix v2 beta stream:
You've all been awarded with a special sparkling Early Tester UG which will last forever
What's next for official release
I will regularly update this thread with progress and todolist and updates
Release Date
Whenever Nulled V4 drops
Almost 1k (900) shoutbox messages for first stream
15 total viewers including Lurkers (non registered users)
- Typing indicator obstructs message
- Long space-less messages overlap and create a horrible horizontal bar
- Emotes containing "<" or ">" are not formatted
- Links are not formatted automatically
- Authentication: may fail in some cases due to Nulled's Cloudflare
- Lay out the groundwork for making your own streams
- Lay out the groundwork for screenshare streams
- Support YouTube as a stream source including YouTube live videos
- Add proper HLS/MPEG-Dash segmented streaming
- Add individual message replies
- Add instagram-live style reactions
- Add an emoji picker
- Make the after-stream screen work with countdown for next stream, etc
- Upload your own custom emotes that only you can use in the shoutbox
- Edit messages
- Whisper to user
- Password protect streams + Unlisted streams
- Change ID parameter in URL to completely random to prevent stream enumeration and unwanted visitors
Official Nulledflix Discord Server
Feel free to join us for better communications, stream announcements and sneak peaks:
Privacy Info
- We don't store your auth key on our servers
- We don't store your IP address anywhere
- Deleted shoutbox messages are deleted
- We store a unique browser fingerprint, only of non-registered users viewing a stream, to display a accurate "Lurker" viewer count, this is removed after you leave the stream