The beginning:
After weeks of looking into why spamming was allowed I recently came across something, unlike usual my web browser was going slow which isn't very common unless I'm doing much web-gaming which I don't do so I thought nothing of it until I started to think more about why was allowed to be spammed in shoutbox but unusable anywhere else and so the truth unravels, I started off thinking it was a way to get more users into sb to get more purchases of ranks but the truth really is more sinister. I completely forgot about this until I remembered a reddit post about bitcoin-mining images: these images had been designed in a specific way to allow them to mine bitcoin, but could only be used on gifs.
The adventure:
After downloading a copy of the gif I inspected it carefully for many hours looking for anything that seemed out of the ordinary but as it seemed it was a regular gif file this was until I saw that there was a single error on the image, which actually had one frame missing as opposed to the sb version and so I began to look into what was happening and through a lot of research I discovered that the image that you download when right clicking and saving as an image is replaced by a fake image to stop would-be attempts to find out the truth, but I managed to retrieve the original file by looking through all the network requests and piecing the gif together
The truth:
After piecing it together and opening the gif I instantly noticed my computer becoming sluggish and unresponsive until I closed it. And now writing a post about how the entire emoji is being allowed to be spammed since every instance of the emoji earns $0.05/instance/person viewing it.
TL;DR: is a crypto miner
(joke) please don't ban me @Jocker