News of the week 15.08/21.08
Updated Chrome to version 104
Added new parsing patterns to
Fixed a problem with the purchase / renewal of a license, when there was not enough money when paying with crypto.
Now, in case of a small lack of money, the number of days will be recalculated in proportion to the missing funds, but the license will be purchased/renewed.
Fixed authorization error on the site and in Antique.
Now, instead of an incomprehensible error, the system accurately points to an incorrect login / password pairing if an error was made when entering.
Fixed one of the reasons for profiles not launching related to incorrect unpacking of the browser core after downloading
Fixed bug with appearance of phantom login/password fields for profiles that do not have a main website defined
Improved availability of the proxy utility for download. Fixes some cases of profiles not running
Fixed incorrect generation of fingerprints when adding a profile via
Fixed a bug with launching automation scripts
Fixed issue with geolocation emulation
Fixed profile transfer bug
Improved quality of work with Ebay
All the mentioned innovations/corrections have ALREADY been delivered to you. No manual update is required.
The current software version is 2022.117.1