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Nulled Reverser Team Recruitment

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Nulled Reverser Team Recruitment




Posts: 71
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 03, 2021
Credits: 40

Three years registered

Hello Nulled,


With the new Authentication System being released we would like to announce that we will be looking into forming a Reverser Team for our forum.


First of all, we would like to say that we are currently looking for experienced people that won't have any trouble even Reversing some more troublesome software. We are looking for various people that will be able to provide their service to us, so even if you are lacking some knowledge for example if you are good at Reversing Native but not anything else you are still welcome depending on your experience of course and what you can bring in on the team.


We will always be trying to expand our team further in order to deliver as much content and quality to the community as possible.


Regarding the recruitment please contact Jocker via a PM with the title "Reverser Recruitment" and try to explain to the best of your knowledge what you would be able to bring in on the team along with the experience you have in that field.


For the time being there won't be a definitive deadline, however please try to take this as seriously as possible.



Nulled Administration.

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