Edited by Metamine, 30 November 2022 - 04:40 PM.
Got a vouch copy by OP and gotta say the pics have very good quality
I'm not responsible of any off-site deals without confirming via Nulled PM.
The Gang forever - Rip to all the lost legends (F)
- AnXiezY(F) - Cherry
- Dad(F) - Dragony
- Eminem
- G1venchy
(F) - hades
- HQEnjuu(F) - Ituriel
(F) - JaackSparrow(F) - Ju1ceWRLD
(F) - loongday - M3GZ(F) - NegMePls(F) - nespou
(F) - dua(F) - pdr(F) - Rusty
(F) - Swiss
(F) - T3NS1ON
(F) - Waterfall
I have had access to the channel and from what I see, it's pretty HQ and very good pricing.
Gotta say there is some content that ofc is publicly leaked but there are a lot of photos and videos I hadn't seen before.
Pricing 10/10
Content 8/10
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