CheckEm - Fast AIO Checker
Swift and Aesthetic AIO Checker for
Brain.FM, Duolingo, Spotify, Disney+ and Netflix!
Preview -
Description -
This is an AIO checker I've made as my submission for the coding event. It currently has support for five popular sites with more that might be added in future updates. As per the event requirements, it is unfortunately only limited to Nova+ members, you might consider upgrading if you wanna test out this program and all the other HQ releases by members This is my first publicly posted checker, so I'm open to feedback and criticism.
Do check out the money glitch, it's quite experimental. (Right-click on it if you're not sure what to do)
PS I want to extend my thanks to @SpartanHoplite of InfiniteProxies, his proxies were of good help while I was developing the checker
Features -
Attractive and user-friendly GUI
Very stringently quality assurance tested
Checkers for five services (capture format in spoilers) -
- Duolingo [spoiler]email@ | username | hasPlus | totalXP | gems | lingots | streak | followers | creationDate | currentCourse | timezone | id | phoneNo | langs | parentControl | profilePic[/spoiler]- Brain.FM [spoiler]email@ | id | type | membershipId | status | created | expire | renewalCount[/spoiler]- Disney+ [spoiler]Free - email@ | id | parentalControl | country | accountCreation | emailVerified | userVerified | securityFlag
Subbed - | id | parentalControl | country | status | atRisk | freeTrial | subscription | entitlements | accountCreation | purchasedOn | expiresOn | nextRenewal | emailVerified | userVerified | securityFlag[/spoiler]
- Spotify [spoiler]email@ | isTrialUser | currentPlan | isRecurring | daysLeft | accountAgeDays | isSubAccount | Logged in as <username>[/spoiler]- Netflix [spoiler]email@ (will consider getting account info in future updates)[/spoiler]High CPM
Optional support for loading HTTP/HTTPS proxies
Options to set concurrently working threads and timeout
Detailed captures for hits, along with logging free and non-working accounts and errors while checking
Ability to export hits to a text file or copy them to the clipboard
Free proxy scraper from multiple sites (Limited version of https://www.nulled.t...r-and-checker/)
Included infinite money glitch (experimental)
Requirements -
Upgraded account (NOVA+)
100+ Likes
Windows OS (supports *nix based systems using WINE)
Download -
Virustotal -
The 1 false positive is due to the executable packaging, the code has been checked by staff to be clean
Usage -
- Click on any of the service images in the first window to open the checker for that service.
- Combos need to be in the format email:pass
- Proxies need to be in the format host:port (or username:password@host:port for authentication). Make sure to select the 'Use Proxy' checkbox and to select the correct protocol!
- IMPORTANT - There shouldn't be any blank line in between the files, except for at the end. Blank line has been considered as the EOF for the checkers.
- Threads / Bots = No. of concurrent workers, and the timeout is in seconds
- It's not advisable to use checkers for multiple services simultaneously, as too many threads and processes might be generated leading to a crash
- For using the Spotify and Netflix checkers, you must put portable binaries for chromium in the same directory as the executable. You can get them from or Make sure the folder is named 'chromium' (without quotes) and that it contains the folder 'app' along with additional files. Also make sure that chrome.exe and chromedriver.exe exist within the app folder
- Generating free proxies is similar to what I've mentioned in
- If by any chance you see chromedriver processes still lingering in the background (which shouldn't be since they're made to be closed after checking), press Windows key + R to open the run dialog and run the commands [inlinecode]Taskkill /IM chromedriver.exe /f[/inlinecode] and [inlinecode]Taskkill /IM chrome.exe /f[/inlinecode]
Proxy requirements -
Brainfm - No
DisneyPlus - Yes (US)
Spotify - Yes
Netflix - Yes
Duolingo - Using would be preferable
It's highly recommended to use rotating proxies
ChangeLog -
Patch 1 - Fixed some spotify module bugs
v1.0 - Initial Release
Post Installation -
Dm me or tag me in the thread if you face any problems, bugs or if you need to suggest more featureswill
[AUTH] CheckEm | Disney+, Spotify, Netflix, Brain.FM, Duolingo | High CPM Full Capture AIO | Proxy Scraper Included
Posted 17 April 2022 - 07:18 AM
Posted 17 April 2022 - 08:39 AM
Would that be an improvement though? Currently only the elements in the selected tab get rendered, and for the different profiles I'm programmatically reusing parts of the code for the ones that have matching common elements, so essentially the controls are not being defined 5x times.
Appreciate the feedback and support
Could possibly gain a little bit of performance even if they're not rendered they are still there taking up memory(fuck all though), if you had x5 start buttons, x5 load combo buttons, x5 load proxy buttons but you're using 1 of each it's not really practical to have them there(that goes with every control on the form) when you could have 3 button that do the same thing 15 buttons are doing, even if each control goes to the one function that's loading or starting etc. 1 combo box and you could remove 4 tabs worth of controls and set the module with code(which is what it sounds like you're doing anyways).
Just constructive criticism written with love xoxo
Posted 17 April 2022 - 04:58 PM
It's a code you need to access official Nulled releases -
To generate one you need to have 25 posts and 10 likes atleast.
On top of that the requirements for using this checker is having an upgraded account (Nova exclusive) - and having more than 100 likes
Nice release.. yet i can't try xd keep it up tho
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Posted 17 April 2022 - 05:04 PM
Thanks man, I really wanted to make it aqua+ but it's required for the event to be nova only
I'll ask if I can change it to aqua+ after the event gets over
np tho xd. and thanks if you are going to do that
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