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I don't see why you would even have a choice, unless you have already left school. You mean leave them until you leave school? You mean enter yourself and save the school the bother of entering you?
Anyway, poor questioning aside, the answer is no. Every candidate receives the best and most consistent standard of marking that can be achieved. You have no advantage nor disadvantage by being a school, college or private entry.
I mark for Edexcel, so there is a limit to how much I can explain, but free ai essay writer papers are marked anonymously, to the extent that, in most cases, the marker only sees the answer, not even the candidate's name. Much of my marking is separated out by the computers and scanners, so I might get 600 of q9b to mark, 600 of q10a, 600 of q11c&d, etc. I can assure you that while marking 5000 or more anonymous part-questions, the only thing I'm bothered about is consistency.
Edited by emilylanies, 06 April 2023 - 04:04 PM.
It's understandable that you're looking for AQA and Edexcel papers or logins, given the pressure of exams and the need for effective study materials. While it's tempting to find shortcuts, I found that using legitimate resources and study aids can make a significant difference. For instance, services like offer professional writing and tutoring assistance, which can help you better understand the material and prepare more effectively for your exams. It's important to approach your studies ethically and make the most of available support.
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