It’s hard to find people who can give you honest opinions about things without something clouding their reasoning for that response.
Basically , it’s hard start off on a forum with no idea who’s who. Having to slowly learn someone and wait for time to tell how genuine a person is.
I ain’t here to make a social life , although it’s included by default to an extent. I’m here to understand different aspects of the tech world and how things are going overall. I’m here to learn new ideas, concepts, perceptions and more.
I find socializing helps to hear different sides and views, Hear different reasonings and judgments.
Overall, it is a way to remind one’s self, there’s always something to learn.
So this is me creating the discussion, in regards to what are things that have sparked any sort of interest or disgust in the last week ? What have you learned or found out recently, to be a strong influence towards ideology or characteristics? What’s something you feel everyone else may not see the importance of , but you do ?
It would be a pleasure to actually interact with a couple people regularly who can keep a conversation of new concepts and ideas.
Im not talking about pure philosophical discussion. Im talking about who here is always questioning how things work. Who’s constantly making hypotheses about anything in life and putting them to the test even if they can assume the outcome ?
Because I find those individuals who Constantly think and question things even if they are sure of the outcome , to be the ones with the most to gain from.
If any members actually want to discuss concepts ideas and projects as professionals and not wanting to feel as if there ideas or questions or discussion isn’t of value.
Then let’s chat. Swap ideas. Find something out we didn’t know about before. Maybe our concepts and thoughts click and we can put our ideas to the test and hopefully bring some new things to the world.
I love security, networking , development , web administration , database management, system analysts related work.
IoT and electronics, smart devices , tinkering, soldering, breaking , repairing , completey fucking up something accidentally and regretting it lol.
Social engineering , network security , always curious about Wi-Fi networks I connect to , how people are predictable and human nature , idea behind nature vs nurture and psychology
These are things of interest of mine. Things I aleays question and think.
Thank you for taking time to read this , I’m assuming those who actually found this to be wrong reading till now are probably the few who this is targeted to.
Let’s discuss. What’s your preference on communicating, I’ll add you or message you. Looking to find new education and sources of influence without the drama.