Well Ill just add this here then, I have other useful information available too ..
{"CacheRenewShipLocConfig":15,"CacheRenewManagerFactory":2,"RetryAttempts":1,"RetryTime":1,"StatusInterval":15,"DataRetention":10,"Environments":[{"Environments":"DEV","RegionalEndPoints":[{"RegionID":"Region 1","Description":"West US 2 (DEV)","RetailServerUrl":"https://theupsstore-...cs.com/Commerce","CommerceAuthGrantType":"password","CommerceAuthClientId":"Modern POS"},
I got a list of these and Im sure login information to.. (These are DEV Dyanmic API's above, I have more then DEV..)
Regions 1 - 14 available
I have local store database files, I have basically anything UPS you need. UPM, Softwae, etc. Mail Box Manager, basically waht handles access points at stores.