How long each account last?
UPS Shipping Accounts - Make UPS Labels For Free! - AUTOBUY
Posted 07 August 2022 - 11:16 PM
Posted 10 August 2022 - 03:38 AM
I have accounts able to generate unlimited free ups labels. USPS labels as well. You can use them to view shipment manifest and helps with rerouting packages.
This is great for refunds Amazon returns lost in transit and more.
Upon purchase, you will receive everything you need all from the official website.
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masged you
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New Discord: dizzyboy.
Posted 11 August 2022 - 08:52 AM
I also have have 3 PoC exploits to regain access to accounts.
1) 1st poc is time consuming but can regain access to accounts.
It basically requires fuzzing a single parameter till you hit a positive result.
2) The second would only regain access immediately and would cause the account owner to loose access. So this would result in loosing access again once noticed. But again. It can be reused to regain access immediately once again but would be a back and forth game.
3) third poc I have still under testing but should allow access any account or at worse allow requests to be made without actually logging in.
I don’t want to release to much information around this.
But I do have ways to regain access besides this mass policy change.
I can show proof of my PoCs to backup my claim via team viewer.
Just like how I’ve done demos over team viewer. I can show proof of everything I’ve stated.
This is to ensure everyone knows who has purchased this. That I will not let you loose access easily. I will supply accounts as long as I have them.
I have other methods to regain access upon a complete password up policy change.
There around accounts that still work. So if you currently have lost access. Message me so I can replace your logins as promised.
In the next couple days I will be giving a new list of up to date account information even after the policy change for fresh logins
So within the next few days, if you are worried about the policy change. I can start providing new accounts that are compliant with the new policy change. Meaning, I should have access to accounts with the updated passwords no problem.
So I am at the moment confident that access is not something to fear of being gone. I have multiple ways to regain access someway somehow. I should even be able to provide new up to date passwords as well soon.
And as stated. There are current accounts affected by the policy change. But not ever account is.
If you reinstall with a new account. (Ask and I will provide). It shouldn’t show that policy update message.
But as stated. Keep in contact with me and don’t worry.
I can provide proof once again of everything , to current customers and to potential new buyers.
To ease any worry’s and to ensure I am here with support ready to help.I will not let people loose access this early. I am confident this policy change is not a problem.
Message me if you have any accounts not working. I will provide working ones.
Thank you.
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