Looking for the best deals for promotions on TikTok? We would like to remind you about the new smartlinks from the Adult category - the campaigns are ideally suited for promotions on TikTok and are the right choice for beginners and experienced users. In addition, they stand out with a short validation period of just one week, and the Smartlink TikTok II program has additional prelanding tailored for TikTok traffic, allowing you to bypass TikTok moderation. Check out the details below:
Adult Dating - Smartlink VI | Dating, Adult Dating
Rate: $0 - $47,9| Type: CPS, CPL | Conversion type: Single Opt-In, Double Opt-In, Sell, Create and activate account | Countries: Global
Adult Dating - Smartlink TikTok II | Dating, Adult Dating
Rate: $0,04 - $12,47| Type: CPL | Conversion type: Single Opt-In, Double Opt-In, Create and activate account | Countries: Global
Adult Dating - Smartlink Tik Tok | Dating, Adult Dating, Mainstream Dating
Rate: $0,12 - $42,41| Type: CPS, CPL | Conversion type: Single Opt-In, Double Opt-In, Sell, Create and activate account, Email Submit | Countries: Global