Selling full exclusive rights my Account Checker Ebook with C# Account Checker Base
Ebook with 17 Pages - SSL Bypass explaining included (basic android app reverse tutorial)
C# Account Checker Base so you can start with your own Account Checker
1. Introduction
2. HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
1. Reqeusts and Responses
- Intercepting Requests from your Browser
- Intercepting Requests from Android Apps
3. C# Account Checker
- Sending a Request using xNet
- Parsing the Response
I can rebrand the Account Checker Template and the Ebook it with your name, you will get access to all original files and exclusive selling rights.
I sold it with support for 50€, you can sell it for cheaper easily without support.
400€ negotiable, write me a DM with your Contact Info
Edited by MAGDO, 21 February 2023 - 02:01 PM.