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Cpanel !
Stresser.ltd | @Ddoser123456 ?
A honest review from what I experienced.
I received a free test from booras, it worked from what he did.
So I bought the $20 plan cronus.
Stresser: 1/10 - I tried to hit my 100 mbit/s game server multiple times and the latency didn't move a single.
Support: 9/10 - The guy was quick to respond, tried to help me out.
I tried almost every method without a single success.
He offered me a better plan that would be cheap, but from what I'm doing isn't it worth for me.
Edited by devve, 25 April 2023 - 04:04 PM.
A honest review from what I experienced.
I received a free test from booras, it worked from what he did.
So I bought the $20 plan cronus.
Stresser: 1/10 - I tried to hit my 100 mbit/s game server multiple times and the latency didn't move a single.
Support: 9/10 - The guy was quick to respond, tried to help me out.
I tried almost every method without a single success.
He offered me a better plan that would be cheap, but from what I'm doing isn't it worth for me.
You purchased a very small package and no access to VIP
And you expect to download servers.
As you said I did, it did work, because I have VIP access
I offered you several different offers so that you could get VIP access but you refused to pay for them.
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