Base of about 2+ BILLION was collected from such sources:
- Dissemination, private clouds, instals (exchange, youtube), buying logs.
I have only url:login:pass
I keep records of strings sold and do not sell your strings repeatedly (if you do not give good on this).
Your requests do not leak.
Give both on the processing and the repurchase string. Percentage discussed individually.
No fixed price to redeem the string. All discussed in person. But usually not less than 0.04 per line
The minimum purchase amount is $50
- Sort our requests -> specify the number of strings -> Swap
Now it is possible to search in full logs.At the moment, there are only about a million logs for 2023, there will be frequent replenishment
Telegram - @Anigma1
Discord anigma#0027
Edited by Azazlo112, 14 January 2024 - 02:41 PM.