To be honest we had 0 seizures so far, expecially with USPS i don’t expect anytime soon.
Feel free to dm me on telegram @Olympian we’ll talk there if you want to find the best solution for you.
I spend like 400$plus everyday on shipping Ive tried services like yours before and lost 1000s of dollars worth of product because the stuff I ship is illegal and I use fake return addresses. Does your service deliver most of the time cause I dont know why services like that exist if they arent purposely trying to lose some returns for like return fraud kind of stuff that i dont know about but I know is popular on this site. Like a service like yours would be amazing for me as long you dont lose packages with your labels. Cheap labels are a good deal if I lose 100s of dollars in product on almost every label i buy. Like I know asking for a guarantee might be a little much but do you feel confident most or every package i send would arrive. Its not just the loss of product i dont want my shipments getting lost and discovered by anybody it would bring heat.