Hello everyone,
We recently noticed some feedback regarding the e-book and guides section mentioning the long time it takes for staff to verify their content. Sometimes causing content to simply become patched before it's even put out for sale. This was not the intended purpose of the verification process.
Although we want to make the marketplace as safe for everyone as possible, restricting sales like this can lead to stagnancy of the marketplace. Restricting too much will eventually cause irreparable damage. We want to avoid that.
This is why, starting from right now, we will completely remove the mandatory need for verification of e-books sold in the marketplace. Be cautious when buying, because there will no longer be any screening process to validate the claims made by sellers.
We will, however, perform random checks on guides we deem risky or if we receive reports about them. All content must be provided to the staff member requesting it, within 24 hours of their message, or it will be removed from the marketplace indefinitely pending that review. These checks will be manual and will enable us to continue letting people trade freely whilst at the same time, making sure the content is up to our standards.
Please, if you posted an e-book and are waiting for verification, post it again or contact me to manually whitelist your thread.
Nulled Staff Team