\Administrator;123qweQWE // 1GB 1vCPU
Do you want to buy a cheap rdp server?
tg: @xBlaz6
dc: blaze6_
Chinese but legit.
The Homies: @Dragony @Avigi @FNFA @JuanitoSanchez @CoinChange @Eminem @hades @HomesickForUs @Batman @Diesel
The server language is Chinese. But the location is Africa
Oh you know how to change the language?
The Homies: @Dragony @Avigi @FNFA @JuanitoSanchez @CoinChange @Eminem @hades @HomesickForUs @Batman @Diesel
Never mind, password was changed.
The Homies: @Dragony @Avigi @FNFA @JuanitoSanchez @CoinChange @Eminem @hades @HomesickForUs @Batman @Diesel
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