Free Nanoleaf Lights SE in 1 Week
Posted 29 October 2023 - 02:20 AM
Step 1 - Go to anker's website. Scroll down to [Support>Process a Warranty]
Step 2 - Fill out the form using common sense and intuition
Step 3 - Fill out order ID to match based on the invoice you generated > https://receiptmansion.com/index.php
Step 4 - Your issue details should contain something like 'Wont charge' or 'No power' - Just go with the jist of things and change it.. etc.
Step 5 - If you cant find a serial number, a picture of the model your trying to SE should suffice, If you need pictures feel free to DM me > https://t.me/A776B
Step 6 - Once you submit the form you will recieve a follow-up email. Just reply saying your issue still isnt solved then your case will be manually reviewed and shipped
Step 7 - Wait for the item to arrive
Note: You have about a 5% random chance to be invoice checked, Which in that case your fucked and have to start again from step 1, However if you stick to items under 70$~ you shouldnt be checked. I've done up to 200-300$ items and the resale value simply isnt worth it anymore so its for personal use.
Side note: If you try to double dip this you will 90% be address banned. For some reason they have very high security about DNA, EB but not actual SE's lmao
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