What is Revo Uninstaller ? ;
Revo Uninstaller is an uninstaller for Microsoft Windows. It uninstalls programs and additionally removes any files and
Windows registry entries left behind by the program's uninstaller or by the Windows uninstall function.
#1. Download and extract the file "Revo_Uninstaller_Pro_v5.2.2_+KEY_[DELvEK].zip".
#2. Go into the freshly extracted folder and double-click on "[2. RevoUninProSetup].exe" and proceed to the installation !
When installation is done, DO NOT launch the software yet
#3. Copy the file "revouninstallerpro4.lic" from the extracted folder earlier & paste It inside folder ;
#4. After that, go back into first extracted folder & double-Click on file "DELvEK.reg" & accept message.
#5. Everything is now DONE you can enjoy Revo Uninstaller Pro version v5.2.2 cracked for FREE !
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