Doxbin and so the majority of its competitors are mostly moderated so you are not free to post what you want, you are also required to create an account with a password and a username to post your doxx.
Another negative point, doxbin is very used for members of current society (tiktok, discord, twitter, ..), so the doxx will be created and seen by ordinary people.
That's why HurtBin was developed, unlike other websites you don't need to create an account or put a username that doesn't make you anonymous, you have the opportunity to post without anyone knowing it was created by who so even if an administrator creates a doxx no one will know that it was created by an administrator.
You have the choice to create any doxx, HurtBin gives you the choice and will never delete your doxx so before posting a doxx, think carefully.
The website is now operational, make your choices.