Bandwidth's PayPal/Crypto Exchange
Exchange Rates
10% | PayPal to Crypto
0% | Crypto to PayPal [COMING SOON]
F&F only
Min order 25 USD
I will not go first
Middleman is accepted at your own expense.
Contact Information
Discord: bandwidthnulled
Telegram: BandwidthNulled
Make sure to send a PM to confirm
Q: Do you accept G&S payments?
A: We are currently only accepting G&S payments from Royal+ or other reputable people on the forum. Otherwise, only F&F is accepted.
Q: Is there a fee for using a middleman?
A: Yes, any middleman services will come at your own cost. Make sure to choose a trusted middleman to facilitate the transaction.
Q: What cryptocurrencies can be exchanged?
A: We exchange most of the commonly traded cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, etc. If you are unsure about any specific cryptocurrency, feel free to send any queries.
Q: How quickly are transactions fulfilled?
A: Transaction processing time can vary, but we strive to complete transactions within 12 hours. Keep in mind that my timezone is GMT+8:00.
Q: Can I cancel a transaction after initiating it?
A: Once a transaction is initiated, it cannot be canceled. Please double-check all details before proceeding as we are not liable if you have given incorrect details.
Q: Do I require KYC or any form of ID?
A: No form of KYC/ID is required.
Edited by Bandwidth, 10 January 2024 - 09:42 AM.