With this bot you can find anything you want , it will scan breached databases , stealer logs , public records and everything else.
The results are outputted in text format directly in the chat , u can also download them as .html report.
There are various different ways u can customize your experience.
Pricing is cheap and there is a 7 day free trial.
- 0.3$ - 1 hour
- 1$ - 1 day
- 3$ - 1 Week
- 5$ - 1 month
- 30$ - 1 year
- 100 $ - Forever
Prices for other perks are as follow :
- 1$ - Results limit +100
- 1$ - Token limit +10 000
- 1$ - Token regeneration +0.1
You can search for the following data:
+Search by mail? [email protected] - mail search? example@ - search without domain? @Gmail.com - search for specific domains.
+Search by name or nickname
? Petrov
? Petrov Maxim
? Petrov Sergeevich
? Maxim Sergeevich
? Petrov Maxim Sergeevich
+Search by phone number
? +79002206090
? 79002206090
? 89002206090
+Search by password
? 123qwe
+Search by car
? O999MU777 - search for a car in the Russian Federation
? BO4561?? - search for a car using the Criminal Code
? XTA21150053965897 - search by VIN
+Search for a telegram account
? Petrov Ivan - search by first and last name
? 314159265 - search by account ID
? Petivan - search by username. The dog is not placed in front of the username!
+Search for a Facebook account
? Petrov Ivan - search by name
? 314159265 - search by account ID
+Search for a VKontakte account
? Petrov Ivan - search by first and last name
? 314159265 - search by account ID
+Search by IP
+Search by file. UTF-8 encoding. File in Json format.
Composite queries in any format are supported:
? Petrov 79002206090
? Maxim Sergeevich
? ShadowPlayer228 [email protected]
? Maxim Sergeevich Moscow
? [email protected] 123qwe
? ShadowPlayer228 08/16/1994
You can also search for data using several queries at once. To do this, specify each request on a separate line and they will be executed simultaneously.
+ At the moment, our bot is loaded with 1201 leaks.
+ In total they contain 50.211.406.890 records.
+ This is more than any other tool!
The following data is available for search:
- Email: 24.208.645.548
- Full name: 8.457.332.509
- Telephone: 6.293.964.094
- Nick: 4.053.968.501
- Password: 2.585.186.962
- Document Number: 1.462.963.043
- VK ID: 992.157.672
- FacebookID: 798.734.382
- IP: 364.232.654
- Company name: 285.763.594
- Vehicle number: 279.711.487
- TelegramID: 153.834.805
- Link: 138.349.679
- Domain: 96.305.173
- Instagram ID: 40.256.787
Perks of using Data Scanner :
- Ease of use - easy and sleek interface right in the telegram chat!
- Stability - bot is constantly online and you don't have to worry about downtime!
- Pricing - prices are cheaper than all other tools that don't do even 50% of what Data Scanner is capable of such as Dehashed/Snusbase
- Free 7 day trial to decide whether you like the tool or not !