XFilesharing Pro v3.4 Full Nulled
This script includes more than 10 plugins
XFileSharing Pro is SibSoft's professional file sharing script. Over 500 of our clients are currently using this powerful platform. They all agree that XFileSharing Pro is the best solution available on the Internet today.
The script can be installed on virtual, shared, or dedicated Linux hosting environments. It is fully customizable with minimal HTML coding experience. You can utilize this powerful file sharing script to place banners, Adsense, or other advertising links on your website. XFileSharing Pro is a speedy way to get your website monetized.
Linux OS (Centos 7.x or Debian recommended)
Apache web server with mod_rewrite module
MySQL/MariaDB database
Perl higher than 5.007 version
Perl modules: LWP::UserAgent, DBI, DBD::mysql
GD lib, GD Perl module (Optional)
Edited by damaswiki, 05 April 2024 - 08:58 PM.