Otto's Combo Editor
[ Command Line Interface ]
The end of Vegetables Auth:
Command Line Interface [ C.L.I ]
Otto's Combo Editor Features:
Combo Editor:
- Lower Case Password
- Upper Case Password
- Add Password Prefix
- Add Password Suffix
- Remove Password Prefix
- Remove Password Suffix
- Remove Numbers from Password
- Remove Numbers from Email
Combo Tools:
- Extract Domains
- Extract Passwords
- Extract Username/Emails
- Email:Pass -> User:Pass
- Combo Filter
- Filter Email Domains
- Replace Separator
- User:Pass -> Email:Pass
- Combo Filter by Word
- Capture Remover (Supports All Formats)
- Pass:Email to Email:Pass
SQLi Tools:
- Domain Extractor
- Extract Params
- Filter URLs
- Target URLs
- Filter Parameters
- Domain Deduper
- Webapp Extractor
- URL List Cleaner
Text Tools:
- Remove Duplicates
- Order a File by Alphabet
- Replace Any Character in a File
- Combine Two Text Files
- Text File Randomizer
- Text File Splitter
Other Tools:
Remove Bad Proxy Lines
User:Pass@IP:Port -> IP:Port:User:Pass
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