*** Phishing Kits and Their Prices ***
*** LinkedIn: $5k (evilpuppet)
Website: www.linkedin.com
Login URL: https://www.linkedin.com/login
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Intuit: $3k
Website: www.intuit.com
Login URL: https://accounts.intuit.com/index.html
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Telegram: $3k
Website: www.telegram.org
Login URL: https://my.telegram.org/auth
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Yahoo + AOL: $5k
Websites: www.yahoo.com, www.aol.com
Login URLs: https://login.yahoo.com, https://login.aol.com
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** iCloud: $2.5k
Website: www.icloud.com
Login URL: https://www.icloud.com
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Google (Gmail + Google Services): $5k
Website: www.google.com
Login URL: https://accounts.google.com/signin
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** GitHub: $1k
Website: www.github.com
Login URL: https://github.com/login
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Office365: $1k (also includes Okta and GoDaddy)
Websites: www.office.com, www.okta.com, www.godaddy.com
Login URLs: https://login.microsoftonline.com, https://www.okta.com/login, https://sso.godaddy.com/login
*** Capture email/user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Outlook: $1k
Website: www.outlook.com
Login URL: https://outlook.live.com/owa/
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Airbnb: $1k
Website: www.airbnb.com
Login URL: https://www.airbnb.com/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Salesforce: $1k
Website: www.salesforce.com
Login URL: https://login.salesforce.com
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Amazon.com: $2k
Website: www.amazon.com
Login URL: https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Facebook: $2k
Website: www.facebook.com
Login URL: https://www.facebook.com/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Instagram: $2k
Website: www.instagram.com
Login URL: https://www.instagra...accounts/login/
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Azure.com: $3k
Website: www.azure.com
Login URL: https://portal.azure.com
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** AWS.amazon.com: $3k
Website: aws.amazon.com
Login URL: https://signin.aws.amazon.com/signin
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Ads.microsoft.com: $3k
Website: ads.microsoft.com
Login URL: https://ads.microsoft.com/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Mobile.de: $5k
Website: www.mobile.de
Login URL: https://www.mobile.de/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Autoscout24: $5k
Website: www.autoscout24.com
Login URL: https://www.autoscout24.com/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Blockchain.com: $5k (JS Inject MODULE + $1k)
Website: www.blockchain.com
Login URL: https://login.blockchain.com
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Binance.com: $6k
Website: www.binance.com
Login URL: https://accounts.binance.com/en/login
*** Capture email and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Wells Fargo: $5k
Website: www.wellsfargo.com
Login URL: https://connect.secu...h/login/present
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Citi: $5k
Website: www.citi.com
Login URL: https://online.citi.com/US/login.do
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Bank of America (Bofa): $5k
Website: www.bankofamerica.com
Login URL: https://secure.banko...gnOnV2Screen.go
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Chase: $5k
Website: www.chase.com
Login URL: https://secure01a.ch...b/auth/logonbox
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
*** Scotiabank Canada: $4k
Website: www.scotiabank.com
Login URL: https://www.scotiaon....scotiabank.com
*** Capture user and password. Bypass 2FA and capture cookies/tokens. Logs are sent to Telegram.
Edited by blackdatabase, 18 August 2024 - 07:02 PM.