It seems that the seller has continued continued to avoid my questions and has instead just lied about irrelevant matters.
To begin, Lucas and the seller have been sent a screen recording of me attempting to log in to the supposed "working" account. Going through the steps outlined in the document (in Russian may i add (this will become relevant later) that states to try in incognito and if it still asks then "they" will replace the account.
After the seller said that the account is fine and nothing wrong with it within the past few hours it has been deleted and changed with another account, this seems questionable at best. If the account was fine Radiant WHY would YOU feel the need to change it for a different one? (PS that account is also 2fa locked so maybe dm them to replace it again)
The seller states they dont see me being ignored, im sure if the messages were sent with all information attached Lucas will spot that my replies on October 2 were read by the seller on october 6 and then ignored until after i made the report. (
The seller has been very vague/ inconsistent with how many users there are on one account. In the recent TG dms with him he states 2-3people, now he states "sending doc link so i can update their and everyone gets it", all your customers are sharing 2 accounts?
this is irrelevant to the point and more so to articulate the repeated lies that are being spread to paint a false narrative.
The important fact is that when the account was purchased it was advertised by the seller as follows:
regardless of whether the account is cracked, goes down or needs to be replaced i paid for "a new account that 2 users will share".
This is a very simple promise you made that has been broken.
Furthermore in response to the seller stating "the TOS is for upgrades not cracked accounts" - please read your TOS ( the TOS states its for ALL services.
finally, in the event that you want to claim ignorance to the fact that there are upwards of 30 people to the account because they are cracked its completely out of your control.
Your supplier for these accounts for a long time and still (but not confirmed) now is @projectpremium on telegram.
This Russian Speaking seller sells both private and shared/ "cracked" accounts similar to you at a reduced price point.
They more honestly claim that each account is sent to ~15 people. lets add that to the god knows how many Radiant also gives per account.
This sheer amount of people put on them and the Misuse by radiant has led to this quick locking of the accounts. With so many different people exhausting the rate limits and logging in on so many seperate devices Radiant knows fully that this service is utter shit and useless to his customers in the form it currently is.
Given that you have Lied to me repeatedly about the details of the accounts, pretend that its all on my end and theres nothing you could possibly do, the 50% refund doesnt even come close to the amount of time wasting you have caused.
Fix your service.
stop cheaping out.
If you have no way of providing this service reliably dont sell it and lie to customers about it.