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Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon
Posted 26 October 2022 - 05:18 PM
Posted 26 October 2022 - 06:24 PM
Posted 26 October 2022 - 08:58 PM
Soooo I have no warnings whatsoever, posted only a few times and now I got a leecher (100) thingy going on. Explanation tells me you get it when you post too much, but I guess that's wrong and you get it when you post too little and download too much? I am confused. I just downloaded Zygor a few times, just because it's not loading for me ingame. I guess that might have triggered it?
But anyway, Zygor isn't loading for me. I downloaded both files in the retail section. 27745 doesn't do anything at all and 27822 loads with ula errors and it results in an empty Zygor Guide (no walkthroughs and such). I noticed the dates in the 8.1.27822.rar file are 1-1-1601 02:00. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
Thanks for your awesome work btw!
Edit: I just fixed it by going to the WoW/_retail_/Interface/Addons folder and deleting the ZygorGuidesViewer folder and going to the WoW/_retail_/WTF/Account/<your account name here>/SavedVariables folder and deleting the Zygor files in there. After that I reinstalled it and it's working again now!
Edit 2: Darn it... a reload destroyed it again. I'll just wait for an update I guess.
Edit 3: Hard headed I am, I tried something else. After installing the latest version I unlocked the Zygor Quest window and Arrow and now I have it working again. If it fails me again, I hope it helps out someone else though. It seems to be an EU bug only. The US version does not have this bug it seems.
Edited by Tsumujikaze, 26 October 2022 - 09:44 PM.
Posted 26 October 2022 - 11:01 PM
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