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Tom C#5944
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THE LATEST NETSCRAPER 2.0 AVAILABLE FOR Purchase Click on the Thread Design
NetScraper + Checker LIFETIME PACKAGE => 8€ [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE The Best Proxy Scraper]
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Tom C#5944
Reviews By Royal Member and customers
Vouch FeedBack
Recived A Vouch of this Great Tool
what i have to say is this tool Is the fastest Proxy scraper/Checker
You can use over 40 Threads And tool will ot crash !
Enough With
Public Proxy Scrapers
Buy Now !!!
ok so let's start off
I'm really impressed by the tool i got a tons of proxies in a matter of seconds
The OP added diverse proxy Sources .
The proxy checker does the Job and works good
overall i would recommend this for any new cracker
Vouch for this tool
amazing and fast proxy scraper and a checker , Huge vouch for this tool !
HQ Tool for beginners ! i scraped 2k proxies in 0.001 sec and the checker works also ! Cheap price AF ! Worth buying
Received a vouch.
Testing and posting a review later.
My review:
The scrapper works really fast. A lot of working proxy sources. You can easily get over 200k proxies.
The design is nice and flat,easy to understand. A few clicks and you get what you want.
Very cheap,but I think the one month license is useless considering lifetime costs 3$ more.
All in all, it's a good proxy scrapper. It does what it says. I recommend this to people who want a large quantity of proxies.
Works for League of Legends quite well
Was getting
800-1200 CPMusingGatherProxyProxiesnow using NetScraper gets me 7k too 10k CPM
HQ Tool and a HQ Seller
Don't Hesitate too buy from Tom
Purchased it two days ago and im getting some really good proxys! I tend to run the program to check the proxys at very high thread count and not once has it slowed down or crashed. Defo recommend this program
Edited by TomCruise, 12 May 2020 - 08:04 PM.