25 Jun, 2019
791 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSTANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] Starts in Minutes ? - $3.00/k
32 - Instagram Likes [2 Likes Per Minute]
33 - Instagram Likes [5 Likes Per Minute]
34 - Instagram Likes [10 Likes Per Minute]
35 - Instagram Likes [20 Likes Per Minute]
36 - Instagram Likes [50 Likes Per Minute]
37 - Instagram Likes [75 Likes Per Minute]
38 - Instagram Likes [100 Likes Per Minute] ?
93 - Instagram Views [HQ - INSTANT] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET]?
143 - Instagram Likes + Impressions + Profile Visits [USA] [REAL - DELAYED]
918 - Spotify Plays [10K] [ITALY] [HQ - 12H - 500/D - NON DROP] ? - $9.26/k (Price reduced from $10/k)
887 - Instagram Followers [1K] [HQ - NO R/R] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET] - $0.15/k (Price increased from $0.09/k)
895 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] ? - $1.50/k (Price reduced from $2/k)
24 Jun, 2019
Many INSTAGRAM services will have their prices INCREASED in the next 24 HOURS to maintain stability, please KEEP AN EYE on the NEWS page and on the SERVICES LIST. We want you not to worry, we already solved 80% of the problems and we are working harder to give you the best services possible. Thank you for your trust.
Instagram Update V2: As you may all be aware that there was an update from instagram which reduced the number of actions an account can take and also blocked many proxies which we as providers use to deliver the services. Because of this we have removed many services and added working ones. Instagram Likes which are mentioned are all working fine and have good start times, However instagram followers can be delayed. If you have an order which is stuck, please raise a ticket.
923 - Instagram Likes [REAL - 1H] | [?FAST?] - $1.00/k
922 - Youtube Views Targeted [REAL - 24H] ? - $4.56/k
446 - Instagram Views + Impressions from Home [REAL - INSTANT]?? - $0.09/k
1 - Instagram Views + Impressions from Explore [REAL - INSTANT]?? - $0.09/k
100 - Instagram Views + Impressions from Location [REAL - INSTANT]?? - $0.09/k
95 - Instagram Views + Impressions from Random [REAL - INSTANT]?? - $0.09/k
915 - Instagram PowerLikes + Saves + Impressions +Views [ABSOLUTE BEST!] [? SOME VERIFIED PROFILES] ?? - $6.50/k
921 - Instagram Likes [HQ - Instant] [?FAST?] ? - $1.19/k
895 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] ? - $1.30/k
895 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] ?
888 - Instagram Likes [20K] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET]
494 - Youtube Views [USA - REAL - 12H - R?] ? - $4.22/k (Price reduced from $4.4/k)
32 - Instagram Likes [2 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
33 - Instagram Likes [5 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
34 - Instagram Likes [10 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
35 - Instagram Likes [20 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
36 - Instagram Likes [50 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
37 - Instagram Likes [75 Likes Per Minute] - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
38 - Instagram Likes [100 Likes Per Minute] ? - $0.44/k (Price increased from $0.34/k)
895 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] ? - $2.00/k (Price increased from $1.28/k)
895 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSANT] [?ULTRAFAST?] ? - $1.28/k (Price reduced from $1.3/k)
804 - Instagram Likes [HQ - INSTANT] Value for Money ??? - $0.80/k (Max changed to 3000)