22 Aug, 2023
1499 - Telegram Members | Public Channels / Groups - Best Quality [Statistics Support] - $2.23/k (Price increased from $2.125/k)
142 - Instagram Likes | France [Real Looking] - $21.12/k (Price reduced from $34.4/k)
1018 - Youtube Subscribers | Germany [HQ] [SLOW] - $49.98/k (Max changed to 150000)
1018 - Youtube Subscribers | Germany [HQ] [SLOW] - (Min changed to 10)
21 Aug, 2023
2072 - Telegram Members | MIX [10K/D] [R30] - $1.96/k
449 - Facebook Video Views [1M] [REAL - 1H - 500K/D] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET ] - $0.24/k
665 - Youtube Views | HQ [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 5K/D] [Lifetime Guarantee] - $2.08/k
1067 - Youtube Views | HQ [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 15K/D] [Lifetime Guarantee] - $2.35/k
204 - Youtube Views | HQ [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 50K/D] [Lifetime Guarantee] - $3.55/k
121 - Youtube SHORTS Views | Direct / Unknown Source - $1.83/k
467 - Tiktok Followers | [MIX] [Start Time: 1H] [Speed:10K/D] [NR] - $5.75/k (Min changed to 100)
1550 - Twitter Tweet Reports - $90.00/k (Max changed to 15000)
1550 - Twitter Tweet Reports - (Min changed to 100)
1137 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Germany [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.2/k)
1097 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Costa Rica [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $6/k)
1085 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Turkey [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.23/k)
1009 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | South Africa [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $18.45/k)
1780 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Luxembourg [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $672/k)
1658 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Uruguay [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48 (Price reduced from $1300)
1657 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Lebanon [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $600/k)
1656 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Peru [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $360/k)
1655 - . Spotify Natural Slow Plays | UAE [SAFE / - $1.48 (Price reduced from $240)
1654 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | New Zealand [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48 (Price reduced from $120)
1526 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Sweden [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4.2/k)
1501 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Dominican Republic [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4.31/k)
1490 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Australia [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $20/k)
1421 - . Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Italy [SAFE - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.23/k)
1420 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Denmark [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.05/k)
1376 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Venezuela [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48 (Price increased from $0)
1338 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Belgium [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $6/k)
1315 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Ecuador [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $6/k)
1306 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Colombia [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $13.52/k)
1305 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | France [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $112.89/k)
1296 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Iceland [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.3/k)
1227 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Romania [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $1.688/k)
1222 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Nigeria [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.72/k)
1214 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Chile [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $2.76/k)
1212 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Switzerland [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.672/k)
1198 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | India [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $1.656/k)
1192 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Canada [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $9.504/k)
1174 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Paraguay [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $220/k)
1169 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Iraq [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $340/k)
1148 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Vietnam [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.52/k)
1144 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Tunisia [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.66/k)
1119 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Morroco [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $11.96/k)
1110 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Portugal [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $2.34/k)
1107 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Greece [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.5/k)
1106 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Norway [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $5.22/k)
1103 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Austria [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $918/k)
1100 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Costa Rica [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $2.8/k)
1099 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Netherlands [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $1.86/k)
1096 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Turkey [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $6/k)
1088 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Mexico [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4/k)
1086 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Algeria [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $3.06/k)
1083 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Japan [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $15/k)
1080 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Spain [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $0.768/k)
1078 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | UK [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $7/k)
1075 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Egypt [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $2.9/k)
1072 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Ireland [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4.32/k)
1071 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Albania [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4.14/k)
1070 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Brazil [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $4.95/k)
1024 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | Russia [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $31.2/k)
1012 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | South Korea [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price reduced from $2.4/k)
558 - Spotify Natural Slow Plays | USA [SAFE / Mobile Devices] - $1.48/k (Price increased from $1.45/k)
1167 - YouTube Channel Reports - $150.00/k (Price increased from $0/k)
737 - YouTube Video Reports - $150.00/k (Price increased from $0/k)
1550 - Twitter Tweet Reports - $90.00/k (Price increased from $8.656/k)
1551 - Twitter User Reports - $90.00/k (Price increased from $8.64/k)
1079 - Telegram Group Reports - $42.00/k (Price reduced from $86.4/k)
800 - Facebook Profile Reports - $42.00/k (Price reduced from $86.4/k)
1552 - Facebook Post Reports - $41.00/k (Price reduced from $100/k)
459 - Twitter Followers | FAST [Speed: 50K/D] [Start Time: 2H] [R15] - $2.36/k (Price reduced from $3/k)
449 - Facebook Video Views [1M] [REAL - 1H - 500K/D] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET ] - $0.21/k (Price reduced from $0.24/k)
598 - Twitter Likes | HQ [Start time: 1H] [NR] - $7.20/k (Max changed to 100)
56 - Facebook Post Likes | [CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD] - $0.40/k (Max changed to 100000)
2072 - Telegram Members | MIX [10K/D] [R30] - $2.16/k (Max changed to 30000)
1400 - Twitter Followers |HQ [Start Time: INSTANT] [R30] [BEST] - $12.00/k (Max changed to 10000000)
459 - Twitter Followers | FAST [Speed: 50K/D] [Start Time: 2H] [R15] - $3.00/k (Max changed to 250000)
712 - Twitter Video Views + Impressions [NR] - $0.10/k (Max changed to 50000000)
1535 - Tiktok Followers | 100% Real Users - Organic [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 1-2K/D] - $10.50/k (Price increased from $10/k)
2072 - Telegram Members | MIX [10K/D] [R30] - $2.16/k (Price increased from $1.958/k)
459 - Twitter Followers | FAST [Speed: 50K/D] [Start Time: 2H] [R15] - (Min changed to 100)
56 - Facebook Post Likes | [CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD] - (Min changed to 200)
673 - Twitter Video Views | HQ [Non Drop] - $0.12/k (Price increased from $0.05/k)
1913 - Twitter Video Views | HQ - $0.05/k (Price reduced from $0.168/k)
712 - Twitter Video Views + Impressions [NR] - $0.10/k (Price reduced from $0.5/k)
459 - Twitter Followers | FAST [Speed: 50K/D] [Start Time: 2H] [R15] - $3.00/k (Price reduced from $4.488/k)
56 - Facebook Post Likes | [CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD] - $0.40/k (Price reduced from $0.64/k)
1400 - Twitter Followers |HQ [Start Time: INSTANT] [R30] [BEST] - $12.00/k (Price increased from $1.294/k)
604 - Twitter Likes | HQ [Start Time:1H] [Speed: 500K/D] [R30] - $5.00/k (Price increased from $2.16/k)
598 - Twitter Likes | HQ [Start time: 1H] [NR] - (Min changed to 10)
449 - Facebook Video Views [1M] [REAL - 1H - 500K/D] [CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET ] - (Min changed to 500)
2143 - Tiktok Followers | MIX [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 5K/D] [NR] - $4.07/k (Price increased from $1.775/k)
1221 - Instagram Likes [Cheapest In The World] - $0.04/k (Price increased from $0.035/k)
1586 - Facebook Comment Reaction | WOW [R45] - $5.98/k (Price increased from $4.18/k)
1008 - Youtube Likes | [HQ] [Start Time: 1H] [R30] [CHEAP] - $1.78/k (Price increased from $1.656/k)
1178 - Tiktok Followers | Mix [Start Time : 1H] [Speed: 10K/D] [R30] - $3.39/k (Price increased from $2.272/k)
461 - Twitter Followers | [NR] [Cheapest in the Market] - $1.58/k (Price reduced from $2/k)
5 - Tiktok Followers | [Start Time: 0-6H] [Speed: 5K/D] [R30] - $5.00/k (Price increased from $3.75/k)
505 - Facebook Post Likes | [MIX] [Start Time: INSTANT] [R30] - $7.98/k (Price reduced from $8.822/k)
398 - Instagram IGTV | Likes [Brazil - Real Looking] [Start Time: 1H] - $1.69/k (Price reduced from $1.728/k)
1111 - Instagram Reels | Likes [REAL LOOKING] [Start Time: 1H] - $1.69/k (Price reduced from $1.728/k)
1612 - Youtube Watchtime | 15 Min Video [1000 Views = 250H] [R30] - $8.00/k (Price reduced from $9.533/k)
1614 - Youtube Watchtime | 30 Min Video [1000 Views = 500H] [R30] - $13.70/k (Price reduced from $16.342/k)
1549 - Youtube Watchtime | 45 Min Video [1000 Views = 750H] [R30] - $17.90/k (Price reduced from $20.742/k)
1616 - Youtube Watchtime | 60 Min Video [1000 Views = 1000H] [R30] - $21.70/k (Price reduced from $25.142/k)
1611 - Youtube Watchtime | 90 Min Video [1000 Views = 1500H] [R30] - $32.00/k (Price reduced from $37.712/k)
1613 - Youtube Watchtime | 120 Min Video [1000 Views = 2000H] [R30] - $43.40/k (Price reduced from $51.542/k)
1617 - Youtube Watchtime | 150 Min Video [1000 Views = 2500H] [R30] - $52.38/k (Price reduced from $60.762/k)
970 - Tiktok Likes | HQ [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 1K/D] [NR] - $1.84/k (Price reduced from $1.884/k)
1600 - Instagram Views + Profile Visits | REAL [Post / Reels / IGTV] [Start Time: Instant] - $0.08/k (Price reduced from $0.9/k)
713 - Instagram | Saves [HQ] [? Always Working] - $0.20/k (Price reduced from $0.243/k)
954 - ? Facebook Post Reaction | Love [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
60 - Facebook Post Reaction | Wow [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
953 - Facebook Post Reaction | Haha [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
61 - Facebook Post Reaction | Care [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
951 - Facebook Post Reaction | SAD [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
950 - Facebook Post Reaction | Angry [Min 20] [R30] - $3.70/k (Max changed to 500)
2141 - Tiktok Followers | MIX [Start Time: 1H] [Speed: 8K/D] [R30] - $4.50/k (Max changed to 10000)
1600 - Instagram Views + Profile Visits | REAL [Post / Reels / IGTV] [Start Time: Instant] - $0.90/k (Max changed to 500000000)
108 - Facebook Profile Followers | HQ [R365] [INSTANT] - $4.89/k (Max changed to 500)
257 - Twitter Bookmarks | HQ [INSTANT] - $4.00/k (Max changed to 100)
1563 - Instagram | Followers - Arab [????? ????? ????????] [AR30] [2-12H] - $13.75/k (Max changed to 1000)