This will be a very simple tutorial on how to change your font without changing the language.
So firstly we need to do is extract your fontconfig file.
- I recommend using Wooxy as it's a reliable program. __________________________________________________
To extract files, select "Creation Tools" at the homescreen. Then "Get Files"
You now should be at this screen. We should now expand the folders to the correct files
Follow this path.
- lol_game_client
- Menu
- lol_game_client
Scroll down to where there's a bunch of fontconfig files. But which one is yours?
Open up which could be found in
- projects
- lol_air_client
- releases
- lol_air_client
- projects
- deploy
- Open up
- deploy
You should see locale=(your locale)
Now back to the Wooxy Files
Let's use locale=en_us for example. I would extract the file fontconfig_en_US.txt
If my locale was en_AU I would extract fontconfig_en_AU.txt
Click the check mark next to the file and extract to your location
Open up the file.
Select the first 4 lines
fontconfig_en_AU.txt for example
[FontConfig "English"]
fontlib "fonts_latin.swf"
map "$ButtonFont" = "Gill Sans MT Pro Medium"
map "$NormalFont" = "Gill Sans MT Pro Medium" -
REPLACE the first 4 lines with
[FontConfig "English"]
fontlib "fonts_kr.swf"
map "$ButtonFont" = "UttumDotum"
map "$NormalFont" = "UttumDotum" -
But you're not done yet!
Go back to the home screen of Wooxy and select Skins and select "Import Skins" on the bottom right.
You should be at this screen now. Select "Add Files" and select the edited fontconfig.txt file.
You should be done!
Hope this was easy for you guys, dont forget to rep !