wow lemme check wow its actually legit XD
Edited by Sterkejedi, 15 November 2018 - 08:32 PM.
I appreciate your contribution I actually love this topic, its all mostly solid advice to newbies and teens more so but after 10 years of pua (pick up artist) experience and maybe 30 to my might highest point be about 50 women a year, (to now being in a swinging relationship, since i did actually find a girl i love and we both enjoy this sorta lifestyle) I disagree with your last bit of main advice
-FUCK NO , it should be -
BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF (In some rare cases, you do have to change nearly everything)
if your shy to a point or have no control over social situations, cant hold a conversation or push it to where you want it to go, being yourself isnt enough, if you morbidly obese (if your alittle chubby its fine) and have fucked up teeth or have just a creepy vibem being your self aint going to help do shit, its going to hurt but you need to try and improve yourself im nto saying you have to be good looking but you need to be in control of things and fix them. ( if you have unfixable things liek really unfixable you can joke about how other guys wish they a big strong chin for example just try to make your weaknesses your strengths whenever possible)
when i started in my early 20s been on many infield courses some with RSD and watched alot of Tom Torero from my early 20s to now mid 30s have done pickup in UK russia, portugal, china, and brazil. and pickup is not just about women its mostly self improvement with the benefit of women.
I will make a separate thread this week giving out all my video learning material I used over the years for free as well as some good books
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