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Sample list has been updated. Date: Sep 29, 2020
Unlock the full potential of your online activities with our premium proxy service! Our fresh and updated proxies come with powerful add-ons like 'Best Performed Proxies' and 'Site Supported proxies'. Plus, we update our lists every 2-4 hours for maximum freshness. Join now and experience the speed and reliability of our service!
For more info, Visit Here
Package Includes:
- HTTP Proxies (For sites that start with http://)
- SSL/HTTPS Proxies (For sites that start with https://)
- Google Passed Socks5
- Google Passed Socks4
- Google Passed HTTP(s)
- Every proxies being checked carefully to make sure you have working proxies. Using advanced method and custom made tools, scripts and cross platforms (Python, nodejs, c#, delphi) modes to provide you proxies that give accurate result.
- Multiple proxy checking session is being initiated for whole database to remove non-working proxies, distorted or disabled proxies. It saves your time on checking proxies for hours. No need to waste your bandwidth and time. These proxies are ready for your use, just grab, load and work.
- Proxy Database has update cycle depending on the package. Premium package updates on every 2 hours, Standard on every 4 hours and Basic on every 8 hours until the end of your subscription. Higher the package, more frequent amount of working proxies will be available.
- All proxies are at elite only level anonymity. Transparent, distorted and dangerous proxies from restricted ares are already removed from database. You will get maximum security and performance as an elite proxy could provide.
- Lowest ping response rate means fast response on browsing. In proxy database, response rate is limited to 0.000ms to 3 seconds maximum, where 98% of proxies are at milliseconds response rate. If a proxy reaches more than 3 seconds, it will be denied to enter in the database. The ping response rate is always different by location so it is always best to have low rate. The proxies are being checked on a server from North Pacific Area. So the response rate will be well balanced for other locations as well.
- Easy to use proxy grabber, proxies are organized by type so you can grab whichever you prefer. With premium and standard package, you will get direct access links for each proxy lists. These links will work as API for supported tools.
- When you grab the proxies, the proxies will be sorted by response speed from top to bottom of the list. Meaning, the lowest response speed will be in the top. This way performance will be instant.
- The proxy database is being maintained actively. New proxies being added in the database by update cycle and manually. I am actively working on monitoring the database to give you best proxies possible. There are port scanned proxies in the database, these proxies will be in the mix to give you boost on overall performance.
- More than 3 thousands proxy sources are being monitored actively to get freshest proxies available. New proxy sources are actively introduced by verifying good proxy ratio found from each sources.
- Everyday by hand, port scanned proxies are being added to database. These are considered high quality proxies because they are not overly exposed in the public sources/urls. These proxies are relatively fast, more reliable, an they get activated by their host from different time-zones. These proxies are scanned from massive collection of IP ranges. Constantly updated and the amount is growing every day.
Proxy Speed on SnipR by PRAGMA, the first screenshot for, took less then 10 min to complete. The 2nd screenshot's first cracking was so fast while capturing it was almost done! Was about 800+ cpm, 2nd one was done in minutes too.
- Extra services available for all packages. They will work as an addon. Services are: custom targeted proxies, proxies from selected locations or from single country, 100ms response proxies, high speed bandwidth proxies, The Best Proxies, Semi-Private Proxies and more services will be introduced in near future. More info regarding extra service is below.
Packages, Extra Services/Addons and Prices:
Basic Package - Update Cycle 8 hours - $5 USD, per month + 1 custom proxy checker FREE for your choice of site.
Standard Package - Update Cycle 4 hours - $10 USD per month + 2 custom proxy checker FREE for your choice of sites + Direct Link API Access
Premium Package - Update Cycle 2 hours - $20 USD per month + 3 custom proxy checker FREE for your choice of sites + Direct Link API Access
Extra Services/Addons:
Custom Target:
This extra service gives you 2 options:
1. Custom Country - You will be able to grab proxies only from your targeted country. It is also possible for you to select country by region. Proxies will by organized by proxy types, sorted by response speed. This extra service will cost you $5, one time payment + the package of your choice.
2. Custom Targeted Site - You will be able to grab proxies that are working properly on your targeted site. Proxies will be organized by proxy types (Socks5, Socks4, HTTPs) and sorted by high speed from to to bottom of the list. - $5 USD (One time payment + The package you want)
***Note*** The above service relies on your subscription. Meaning, if your subscription expires, this service will expire too. If you renew your subscription, this service will be activated without any new costs.
100ms Response Speed - With this addon, you will be able to grab proxies that has response speed of 100ms or lower. If a proxy reach 101ms, it won't be in the list. You can have custom response speed as well. It will cost you $5 (One time payment, relies on your package's subscription) Do note, ping response could be different from your location.
***Note*** These proxies are especially checked from a North pacific server, so nearest countries will have lowest response ping.
The Best Proxies ($10 per month, Updates by daily basis + the package you want)
Here are the tasks being done to give you the "The Best Proxies"- This task will be done manually, proxy database updates on every 24 hours. until the end of your subscription.
- Proxies will be checked on 4 sites. If a proxy works on all 4 sites, it will be added in the database.
- Checked again using a private method to make sure all of them works from any browsers. This method will remove proxies that has issues on HTTP/HTTPS header response.
- Then the proxies from database will be checked against a big spam database to remove the blacklisted proxies.
High Bandwidth Speed Proxies ($10 per month, Updates by daily basis + the package you want) - These proxies are tested to check their download speed. Only proxies with fast download ability will be included in this service.
Semi-Private Proxies ($10 per month, Updates by daily basis + the package you want) - These proxies are checked against VPN, Public IP and Proxy detection databases to make sure the IP is not detected as a proxy or VPN.
Best Performed Proxies ($10 per month, updates by daily basis until the end of your subscription) - These proxies were checked very thoroughly to give you the best proxies available in the database.
Data Center Proxies ($5 per month, updates by daily basis until the end of your subscription) - Gives you proxies that were detected as datacenter / hosting proxies (Proxies from ovh, azure etc)
Residential ISP Proxies ($5 per month, updates by daily basis until the end of your subscription) - Gives you proxies that were detected as Residential ISP/Hosting proxies
Mobile Proxies ($5 per month, updates by daily basis until the end of your subscription) - Give you proxies that were detected as Mobile proxies (AT&T, Verizon etc)
How to Buy?
Choose which package you want to purchase.
Choose if you need any extra service.
PM me using below format:
Write it in massage title: Want to subscribe to your proxy gig.
Use the format below:
• Package: [Mention which package you would like to order] • Addons: [Custom Target | 100ms Response Speed| The Best Proxies | Semi Private Proxies | High Bandwidth Speed | Best Performed | Datacenter | Residential | Mobile Proxy ] - if no need, just put "None" here. • Month: [How many months you'd like to subscribe, default is 1] • Custom Proxy Checker: [Mention the the site you want to add] - if you do not need this, just put "None" here. If you want, you can always add it later. • Payment Option: [ Choose a payment option: Paypal | Bitcoin | Credit/Debit Card | Apply Pay | iDeal ]-----------------------------
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What is the difference between packages?
Each package has different update cycle. For Basic, the proxy database update every 8 hours. For standard, 4 hours, and for premium, every 2 hours. Higher the package, higher the amount of working proxies will be found in database, and less waiting.
What are these proxies from?
- Port Scans - This is the main attraction of this service. Port scanned proxies are from around the world. From huge database of IP ranges, ports are being checked to get proxies that are not common in public. Some are not even in public. Speed of these proxies and uptime value is much better than the other sources. Manually scanning millions of IPs to find proxies that are truly high quality and not overly used. These proxies will be in the mix of main database, to boost up the overall performance.
- API - API source database includes all the urls that requires "API" to access the proxies. Paid or Unpaid API URLS, they are in the database and being maintained actively
What is the definition of "premium" on public proxies?
- Proxy Sources from URLS - Currently, there are more than 3k sources available which are maintained regularly on every update cycle. Dead urls are removed, new urls are introduced actively. Only keeping URLS that have high ratio on good proxies found comparing to bad proxies. For example, If a url contains 80000 proxies and only 20 proxies are working, this url will be removed. If a url has 5000 proxies and found 1000 working proxies, this url will be kept in database.
The subscription is monthly basis and proxy database updates on every 2, 4, 8 hours (depending on your package). You will be all set for working, ready to use proxies. There are extra services available which gives you more "Premium" features such as High Bandwidth Speed, The Best Proxies, Semi-Private Proxies and others. With this service, you can save your time on checking thousands of proxies for hours. Checking, filtering, maintaining everything is already done for you. You can simply grab the proxies and work directly.
How's the custom site targeted proxies work?
There are 2 options on this extra service:
1. Proxies from a certain country.
2. Proxies supported form a targeted site.
For example, if your choice is 1 and you want proxies only from Canada, then this extra service will be setup for your database, where you will be able to grab proxies by types and from Canada only. Example: Canada Socks5, Canada Socks4, Canada HTTP(s)
If your choice is 2. Then, after you choose the targeted site, it will be then tested against the proxy database, a URL will be provided by the subscriber. If the checker finds a specific string from the site's source code, then the checker will determine the proxy is supported. Then a profile will be created for you. It will save the proxies that are only supported to you chosen site. Proxies will be saved by their protocols. and sorted by speed.
Will these proxies work on Netflix?
Netflix is highly restrictive. They now have huge database of blacklisted IPs and they work on it very actively. No matter if it is Public or private proxies, they are actively working on their blacklist database. This is why you will find very few amount that will support netflix.
Are Extra Service/Addons proxies new or different from main database?
The extra services uses proxies from main database. The addon service simply filters out and enables you to get different type of proxies mentioned int the category.
******Reviews ******
******Sample List ******
thx broo
Sample list updated on Oct 11, 2020
Unlock the full potential of your online activities with our premium proxy service! Our fresh and updated proxies come with powerful add-ons like 'Best Performed Proxies' and 'Site Supported proxies'. Plus, we update our lists every 2-4 hours for maximum freshness. Join now and experience the speed and reliability of our service!
For more info, Visit Here
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