Yes except my combos arent generated so your logic doesnt apply here. Since he posted the combo you can download it and check it for youself or I can send it to you. The lines are private and I dont add random passwords or generate them. They are mostly from my own dumps and if you ever worked with dumps you would know that passwords as placeholders are normal. And as I said if he asked me like a normal person I would clean the combo for him.
50% of data (at least 4k, dunno if he checked whole) is listed on ihavebeenpwned literally proves its utter shit in that 50%, and your screen with MYRZ antipublic for anyone which WORKED WITH DUMPS proves nothing, its some external software working on his own weird specific algorithm.
What buyer care about in term of a combo is - was it part of most common/known leaks since that kind of content is 0 chances of being valuable.
If you want to prove combo quality sell emailaccess (lower potential risk someone could claim its shit) and check it by IHBP - since when it listed there as confirmed trash.
Do not Share the Combo
Really retarded of you to share the file.