I'm Bronze I play in EUW and I just thinking about that. What's your opinion?
Edited by Why191, 01 August 2018 - 12:39 PM.
game has been degrading in skill department compared to previous seasons due to damage overload. ( and the overabundance of percent/true damage compared to past seasons )
so games are much shorter.
new keystones/runes favor certain champs too much while many others get the shaft.
so basically there are many champs who effectively have no proper keystone/rune setup due to this.
they basically designed the new runes for the new champs.
older champs(ones that haven't been reworked or massively buffed are all mostly in the gutter).
mobility creep is still out of hand. newer kits can do everything and have few if no weaknesses compared to older.
riot favors certain playstyles too much.
they want fast flashy games.
so champs like nasus and anivia and many others who favor late game and stalling matches have been gradually getting worst with age.
riot balance doesn't seem to know what to do with their game.
many many complaints on league reddit/boards compared to past seasons.( atleast it feels like its been more negative then in the past )
just give you an example of how much riot has no idea on what they are doing they reverted 2 reworks for assassins then preceded to massively buff assassin items.
tbh i don't think leagues prime days are ever coming back.
its all downhill from here on.
if someone could make a private server of league from seasons 1 to 3 that'd be awesome.
that version of league was much more fun then what we have currently.
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