Ever wanted to trick your friends or even make money online from eWhoring. Well, check out this collection, in the past here are some genuine eWhore packs I have purchased. Now I am sharing them with you all as I do not use them anymore. Also, works well with using the these with Fake software webcam called manycam.
You view some of these files in a browser and those who know about VCW and eWhoring will know how to use these. Those who are new to them, they simply work through your browser. So for an example, you make a fake twitter up or Badoo account up and someone asks you to go on Cam or Skype, you can set up the manycam software so it does not film your cam but a section of your desktop.
So surely the guy you trying to trick does not want to see your desktop??? Well, obviously not lol. But, here is where these VCW files come in to play with the manycam software. Open the manycam and they will be a setting where you can live stream what you select like a window or dragging with the mouse to cover over the VCW which is playing in the background. Now, some of the files below are excellent in tricking the common guy. Becuase with these VCW in the browser has a list what the girl can do. You click wave she will wave, undress and you get the Idea. Just practice first before you stream with someone, learn your sequences as sometimes you may get asked by the guy to do something and if you cant do it that's it game over for you. BUT, some of these VCW have certain phrases what you can click on like hold 1 finger up, 2 fingers, 4, 5 and so on. So they will fall for it as soon as they ask "Hold 3 fingers up" and you press it and then they think "wow shes real" so they are good VCW eWhoring packs some with pictures.
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