Okay i read the whole ebook.The main method is about 20-25 pages. The remaining 10 pages is just some extra bonus methods but only a few of them can be repeated over and over again.
The book is about Cryptocurrency trading.
He also has linked to an external website which can help you ease the load and help you earn faster. Investment is required and your investment is what determines how much you make. But the bonus methods in the end which are okay imo can help you get some money to start off with.
The book is focused on an overall focus of making money but the risk you are taking is low compared to how much you can make if you continue with his method.
His advertisemennt when he means it's 5 mins profit is that it takes like 5 to 10 minutes to do it but the profit will come at a later time. its not an instant 5 min profit iykwim.
Overall the book has decent and understandable grammar with lots of pictures and it will take a good 30 mins to finish reading it.
I am personally going to try his method for a week and will come back with an update.