06 December 2019 - 11:11 PM
Bought this e-book today.
Even though I haven’t started, after reading I have several tips to leave here.
First of all, betting industry itself earns more than all enterntainment industries summed up, so calculate like every 7th man in the world has placed minimum one bet in his life. As this is the biggest addiction by psychiatrists, and as economy of some country is weaker, there is more percentage of players in some population.
If a player is in category two - hopeless, without some money - they will borrow it just to buy a tip from you. This book explains you in pretty good way, how to approach them.
Everyone want easy and fast cash. While reading, several ideas came up to my head, I’ve had a discussion about them with an author. There is still a base, where you can operate.
If you have a betplacer’s mindset, I am pretty sure that you can make more sophisticated ways, but let me warn you here, if you want to look fully trustful in this method, invest it. You will see why in the future.
As I have friends, who also got tips in similar way, you can conclude that you will find the same pretty fast.
It is in the way, how you approach them. This book will explain you. If you want that the limit is the sky, I suggest you to add more creativity to this guide, every investment will be covered in a blink of an eye.